Keeping Everything in View:
LED Displays for Control
Rooms, Film and TV Studios
LED Displays for Control
Rooms, Film and TV Studios
High-resolution control room displays find broad applications in public safety, military, traffic safety, fire departments, disaster response, race control, and monitoring and command centers in other sectors such as power plants and production facilities. They provide various information channels for comprehensive data representation. Data, graphics, images, videos, and other information can be dynamically displayed across different areas and layers. Due to their scalable design and the ability to segment screens into multiple areas and layers, LED displays offer many advantages over LCD solutions.
In film production, ultra-high-resolution LED displays are used as virtual studios. The benefits of these so-called XR studios (Extended Reality) include significantly reduced production costs and more realistic lighting effects. LED screens are employed to create impressive and dynamic backgrounds. The use of LED displays for virtual productions and film shoots is a new trend in the post-pandemic era. An XR studio is a real film set made up of LED walls, and possibly LED floors and/or ceilings, which is filmed in real-time. In this LED space, actors can see the content while filming, allowing them to better interact with their surroundings, unlike traditional green screens. Many TV studios today rely on high-resolution LED screens for overlays and background displays. These specially designed LED walls are used in news broadcasts, talk shows, and other television events.
Product Overview
Control Rooms &
Digital Control Centers
Digital Control Centers
The modular design of our LED technology allows for flexible arrangements in multiple layers of monitoring screens, tailored to the specifics of your control room. We would be happy to advise you on how to implement the latest LED display technology in your monitoring activities.
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Virtual Film Studios
We offer LED display technology and more for the setup of virtual film studios (Extended Reality).
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Five Steps to the Perfect LED Display
1. Consultation
2. Concept Development
3. Installation
4. Commissioning
5. Maintenance
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