


The brand Hallcube® is a copyright-protected trademark in the European Union and is owned by Hallcube GmbH. All products and services under the Hallcube® brand may only be used by Hallcube GmbH. Hallcube GmbH grants no permission to third parties to use the Hallcube® trademark. Any unauthorized use constitutes an infringement of the rights of Hallcube GmbH under its registered Hallcube® trademark.

Company Hallcube GmbH
Phone +49 (0)345 977212-60
Fax +49 (0)345 977212-61
E-Mail info@led-display.de
Internet www.led-display.de
Managing Directors Konrad Bayer, Robert Block
Registration Court Amtsgericht Stendal HR B 19716
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 42755544


The highest quality requires continuous improvements and adjustments to our products, which may be made without prior notice. Therefore, the technical specifications and appearance of our products may differ from the stated details or images. Hallcube GmbH accepts no liability in this regard.

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Despite careful content control, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. ©2017 by Hallcube GmbH, Halle, Germany. The pages, images, photos, animations, and contents of this website are copyright-protected. Any reproduction or other use without the written permission of Hallcube GmbH—also in excerpt form—is not permitted. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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